Detailed instructions for WELD LP token staking

Weld Money
3 min readNov 3, 2021

Bring.Finance service has become a partner of weld to create a liquidity pool for the WELD token. The WELD token will be at the same ring with the SMG, YARL tokens, and the native BRNG token. Here is detailed instruction on how to use this product.

Information on Russian

Important! To add WELD LP tokens to the stake, you first need to create them. Follow the instructions to achieve it:

Detailed instructions for WELD LP token creating

Go to the website and connect your Metamask wallet by clicking Connect wallet.

Go to your personal account by clicking Launch App.

Select BSC blockchain-based pools.

Select the Metamask wallet.

Select a token by clicking Choose your LP token.

Select the WELD LP token.

Select the number of tokens to stake in the Enter the amount field.

Check the available pools by clicking Show me available pools. Here you can view the pool status, approximate reward, and other useful information.

To continue stacking, confirm the action by clicking Confirm.

Confirm the corresponding action in the Metamask wallet.

Confirm the action again by clicking Stake.

Congratulations! You’ve staked your WELD LP tokens. You can see your tokens in the stack by clicking the My stake tab.

Detailed instructions for WELD LP token creating

Your rewards, as well as a referral link to participate in affiliate programs, are displayed at the My rewards tab.



Weld Money

Meet WELD crypto card, the only seamless Payment solution for day-to-day expenses.